Red Kite Days Award 2022 Winner

Kidlington's Community Hub
For Children and their Families

Donate to Kidlinks
It costs at least £500 a day to fund all our church activities and to maintain our three church buildings, which provide so many facilities for the community. We are entirely self-funded and receive no direct support from the Government. If you wish to show your support for Kidlinks or our work and our buildings you can donate to the parish in a range of ways, see below.
As a registered charity (Charity Number 1135350) we can claim Gift Aid on donations made by UK taxpayers who pay sufficient tax (income or capital gains). This enables us to receive an extra £2.50 for every £10 donated (at current tax rates). If you can help in this way, and would like to donate to Kidlinks please complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form and email it to with a note to say that your donation is specifically for Kidlinks. Thank you!